Kia Ora!
Today I made a story called ' The Man Under Ground' ( Also the Title ).
Hope you like it!
Have you ever been underground before?
Kia Ora!
Today I made a story called ' The Man Under Ground' ( Also the Title ).
Hope you like it!
Have you ever been underground before?
Kia Ora!
Today I did this writing piece called ' Mission On Mars' and it's about a leader who always wants things to go his way, when they don't actually work.
If you could, would you live on Mars?
Cautiously, the astronauts landed on the fiery red dust of MARS. Everyone was excited for being the first people on Mars, and they were going to climb Olympus Mon!
Willow looked at the others, she was the second youngest, and she always was worried when she went on crazy missions like this.
“ Stop being such a baby, Willow. You chose to come with us, and now you stay with us!” Snapped her leader, Rob Durstone.
“ I want everyone to be as brave as they can, and if you want to stay here, in the shuttle, you can,
but you WON’T become famous, GOT IT?!”
There were a couple of mumbles, but most of them wanted to be famous.
“ Um, excuse me, Rob! Can I stay in the shuttle? I. . . Can keep it safe!” Mumbled the youngest, Tommy Keet.
Rob stared at him in surprise.
“ Someone doesn’t want to be famous, eh? Stand up straight!
No dinner for you for being a BIGGER baby than Willow!” Snapped Rob.
Tommy stood up straight, shaking like a baby deer.
“ Sorry, sir! I just. . . Wanted to help!” Gulped Tommy.
Rob’s face turned red with fury. Everyone stepped back except Tommy.
“ Helping?! How is that helping?” Rob screeched.
“ Did you climb Olympus Mon? The barcode said that there was an error, and no one had put a flag down”
Asked Catney, one of the computer people.
“ No. . . But we did make it to Mars” Admitted Rob.
Catney looked dumbfounded.
“ Next time, I will let Willow and Tommy be the captains,” Catney sighed.
“ NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Rob wailed.
“ Don’t be such a baby, Rob. You chose to do this mission now you stay with us!” Fake snapped Willow, laughing.
Rob blushed, then stormed off.
Kia Ora!
Thanks to Chelsy, we've got a new activity! We had to design a mask! I hope you like it!
have you ever made or designed a mask before?
Kia Ora,
If I had a gigantic food, it would be double avocado sushi.
What would you choose?
Kia Ora,
Today I made a story called GAME OVER. I hope you like it!
Have you ever been to a Virtual Reality place?
I walked in the Virtual Reality arcade, and saw a nice looking lady at a desk,
doing some work.
“Hello! Welcome to the Life Of Virtual!” Welcomed the kind lady at the desk.
“ Hey, one person, one hour, one set.” I told her,
getting out fifty dollars from my purse, and putting on the counter.
“ Alright, section A.V, thank you” said the lady, pointing to a corner.
“ But, you have to be careful, though.
No one wants to go in that corner because some say that you actually could get
stuck in it. I mean, I don’t believe it, but I can’t lie,
no one really has come back
from that section. Ever” The lady warned.
Obviously, I was quite alarmed.
“ Anway, bye!” She smiled, suddenly happy.
I looked at her crazily.
Question 1:
Why did she put me into the haunted section?
I made my way to the A.V section, and read all of the scratches saying,
‘ Don’t go in here! ‘ and ‘ Out of order ‘ and ‘Tom was here’. I rolled my eyes.
What could happen to me? It’s just a game that looks real and feels real,
but isn’t!
Or it’s just this place is full of weirdos. Yup, definitely the second one!
Anyway,when I opened the door, a cold breeze came from the broken window at the
back of the room.
Question 2:
Why was there a broken window?
I really needed to know some answers here! I found the headset, and put it on.
Whoa, where was I? It looked like I was on a cliff!
And the only way out was this huge red frame I had to climb over!
This was my worst nightmare! I felt a sudden dizziness, then I fell asleep.
“ Madam? Madam!” I heard.
“ Madam, are you awake?” I heard again, it sounded like the lady at the desk.
“ Huh? Where am I?” I mumbled.
I opened my eyes, and I saw a lady with flaming red eyes, and sharp teeth.
“ Welcome to the land of horrors!” She smiled.
I was as shocked as a girl when she found out her parents were gone.