Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Scratch Creation #2

 Hello bloggers!

I'm really tired after I spent 3 HOURS doing non-stop coding, so I thought I could post it on my blog!


 I hope you like it!

Stay safe in your bubble!

Monday, 27 September 2021

Facts about bees!

 Hello bloggers!

This is a slideshow with facts about bees. If you click on the bee or screen, there will BEE a surprise! (Haha)

Do you like bees?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Bee Haiku

 Morning bloggers!

This is my bee haiku. I hope you like it!

What's your favourite thing about bees?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Friday, 24 September 2021

Scratch creation!

 Morning bloggers!

This is a Scratch creation I made. I did have a little help, though. It's a morning exercise animation! I hope you like it!

My Creation! 

Have you ever done a creation on Scratch?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Wednesday, 22 September 2021


 Morning bloggers!

This is an eye I drew in my sketchbook! I'm very happy with it. I learnt how to draw it from a how to guide from my How To Draw Manga book by Sonia Leong.

Have you ever drawn an eye sort of like this?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Monday, 20 September 2021

My house

 Hello bloggers!

This is my house made from Floorplanner. And yes, we do have our own forest in our property. I really enjoyed making it, although my house is very hard to get right.

Have you ever used Floorplanner before?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Meet my kitties!

 Hello bloggers!

These are 2 of my 4 kitties. These two are Darcy (the darker one) and Felix (the lighter one). We got them from 9 lives orphanage.  They are three years old.  Darcy's middle name is Loki and Felix's is Thor (from Marvel)

(He's on the Lego table😂 ) 

(Felix is on the desk!)

Do you have any cats or pets?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Friday, 17 September 2021

My children book

 Hello bloggers

This is my children book. It took a while, but I really like it. I made it on Pixton

What's your favourite book?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Dinner party!

 Hello bloggers!
This is my Dinner party slide! I hope you like it!

What is your dream dinner party?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Monday, 13 September 2021


 Hello bloggers!

This is the drawing I did. I am very happy with it. It is a vanishing point drawing.

Have you ever done a vanishing point drawing?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Volcano slide #9!

 Hello bloggers!
This is my volcano slide 9, I hope you like it!

What is your favourite type of poem?

Stay safe in your bubble!

A joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is today's joke! I hope you like it!

Who is the famous skeleton detector? Sherlock bones.

What's your best skeleton☠️or monster👻 joke?

Sunday, 12 September 2021

A joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is yesterdays joke and today's! I hope you like it!

Yesterday: Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?  It takes them a long time to swallow their pride.

Today: How does ghosts like their eggs cooked? Terrifried!

What's you best animal🐶🦊🐭 joke?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Lemon cake!

 Hello bloggers!

This is the cake I baked with my big brother and sister, Eli and Lexi. It is very yum!

Have you ever baked Lemon cake before?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Friday, 10 September 2021

A joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is today's joke. I hope you like it!

What game does cows play at parties? Moo-sical chairs.

Do you like it?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is my joke for today. I hope you like it.

What do you call a lost monster? A where-wolf.

What's your silliest joke?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Volcano slide #8

 Hello bloggers!

This is my volcano slide 8. I liked the second and third part a lot.

Have you heard of every one of the Volcanoes near me?

Stay safe in your bubble!

A joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is the joke from yesterday and today. I hope you like them!

Yesterday: Why are fish so clever? Because they live in schools

Today: What did the teddy bear say when he was offered desert? No thanks, I'm stuffed.

What's your funniest joke?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Monday, 6 September 2021

Volcano slide #7

 Hello bloggers!

This is my 7th volcano slide. I found it very time consuming (and I got bored because I was tired).

Do you like it??

Stay safe in your bubble!

Volcano pick a path

 Hello bloggers!

This is my pick a path (check my latest volcano slide). It took very long but I'm very happy with it. And also. . . Thank you Phil for making me Blogger of the week! 

Hope you like it!

Have you ever made a pick a path before?

Stay safe in your bubble!

A joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is today, yesterday, and Saturday's jokes.

Saturday: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses? Because the students were so bright.

Sunday: What did the mother buffalo say to her son? Bison.

What's the difference between an African and an Indian Elephant? About 3000 miles.

What's your best joke that you don't really understand??

Stay safe in your bubble!!

Science class!

 Hello bloggers!

On Friday Leo (my brother) and I did a Science class. We even saw some people from Owairaka school. It was really fun but very messy. 

Here is some pictures:

Us making storm clouds.

Us doing stuff with cabbage juice 🤢.

Us playing with Elephant toothpaste!! (With my three favourite colours)

And Leo making a total mess 😐😐 (Leo's one is the one he's working on)

Have you ever done a Science class before??
Stay safe in your bubble!

Volcano slide #6!!

 Hello bloggers!

This is my 6th volcano slide (and my favourite!!) that I've done. I haven't actually finished the extra task that we need to do because I'm doing a pick a path, and those take quite a lot of time, but hopefully I can soon-ish.

Did you like my writing?

Stay safe in your bubble!

Friday, 3 September 2021

Joke a day!

Morning bloggers

This is my joke a day from the joke book we've got at home.

Here's the jokes for Wed-today:
Wednesday: What do dogs increase? The pup-ulation.
               Thursday: Why did the lion lose at poker? Because he was playing with a cheetah
Today: Why is it difficult to keep a secret when you're cold? Because your teeth chatter.
Do you like my jokes?
Stay safe in your bubble!

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Volcano slide #5

 Hello Bloggers

This is my volcano slide. My favourite part of it was the google maps, but I accidentally pressed a button so I couldn't do the activity on the slide, so I just looked at some volcanoes on it.


Have you ever visited a volcano before??

Stay safe 😷in your bubble! 🏘️