Sunday, 12 September 2021

A joke a day!

 Hello bloggers!

This is yesterdays joke and today's! I hope you like it!

Yesterday: Why are giraffes so slow to apologize?  It takes them a long time to swallow their pride.

Today: How does ghosts like their eggs cooked? Terrifried!

What's you best animal🐶🦊🐭 joke?

Stay safe in your bubble!


  1. Ata mārie Maia, another two great jokes to start the week. Thank you. I can't think of any animal jokes off the top of my head.
    Do you know all of the jokes you share, or do you look them up?

    1. Hello Mrs Burt
      We have got a joke book that I get them from, even though it's Eli's book.
      Thanks for commenting on my blog!
      Stay safe!


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