Wednesday 15 September 2021

Dinner party!

 Hello bloggers!
This is my Dinner party slide! I hope you like it!

What is your dream dinner party?

Stay safe in your bubble!


  1. Kia ora Maia, your dream dinner party made me hungry! I particularly like the look of your fudgy chocolate cake - yum!
    My dream dinner party would be for my family and friends that I haven't seen for a while because of lockdown. Any food would be great - as long as I don't have to cook it! (I think I would include your dessert!)
    Kia pai tō rā. (Have a good day.)

  2. Kia ora Maia, what an interesting dinner party menu. Is that the order you would serve the food (jumping from savoury, to sweet, to savoury to sweet? Can I suggest that you add a bit more detail to your menu. For example, fudgy chocolate cake could become triple layered rich fudgy chocolate cake served warm with gooey caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream. You want to really sell your menu by adding lots of detail.

  3. Kia ora Maia my name is Leo And I've had a look at your dinner party and it looks like you worked really hard on it. If you brought me to it I would have eaten a lot of it because it basically had only food that I like. I think the only bad thing is I don't think you asked any of these people, so what if they don't like the food you have. Otherwise I think you did a very good job, well done Maia, have a great day at the party.

    1. Hello Leo!
      Thanks for your comment! Well, if they don't like the food, I could probably go to a nearby store to buy them something.
      Stay safe!


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