Tuesday 24 August 2021

Making sushi! 🍣🍣

 Hello bloggers

I made sushi on Saturday, but I thought it would be a good blog post! It has Avocado, cucumber and carrot in it.

Here is the sushi rice recipe. . . (1 tsp of salt!!)

This is my sushi maker. It makes square sushi.

This is me making it. . .

And here is the results!

Have you ever made sushi before?

Stay safe in your bubble!


  1. Hi Maia
    The finished sushi looks very professional and super tasty too.
    I haven't made sushi before, but I do like sushi. I think that I would like a sushi maker before I actually tried as it seems quite fiddly.
    Did it ake you long to make it?

    1. Hello Mrs Burt
      It kind of did take me long, because I need to wet the rice for like 5 minutes then cook it for 15 then let it cool for 10 then stir in the rice vinegar and sugar and salt (Which I need to microwave) and then cut up the fillings, THEN I can start assembling. So, yes I think it does, like an 1 and a half hours.
      Thanks for commenting on my blog!
      Stay safe!

  2. Kia Ora Maia,
    I have made sushi before I made it with my Mum!
    Your sushi looks delicious, your sushi maker looks very interesting. D
    o you usually make square sushi or do you make circle sushi more ofen?
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. Hello Marcella
      I don't know because I got the Sushi maker for Christmas, and I forgot how many times I made Sushi before that,sooo I don't know.
      Thanks for commenting on my blog!
      Stay safe!

  3. Hola Maia,
    Rita.L here
    I'v never made sushi before but i'v seen my mum make it looks a little bet hard
    Your sushi maker is very odd looking my one looks nothing like that.
    Where did you get the recipe from?

    1. Hello Rita
      I think you probably have the flat square bamboo sort of thing. The Sushi rice recipe was just from a site but I don't know what site.
      Thanks for commenting on my blog!
      Stay safe!

  4. Kia ora Maia Liberty here.

    I'v made sushi but it never looks that good.
    But your sushi looks amazing. I wish I could eat some.
    Did you gt the recipe from garden to table?

    1. Hello Libby
      No I didn't get the from Garden to table, and sadly I haven't made Sushi at Garden to table that I can remember. Maybe you could come to my house one day and we can make Sushi so you can eat some.
      Thanks for commenting on my blog!
      Stay safe!


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