Tuesday 24 August 2021

Volcano learning

 Kia ora bloggers

We've been learning about volcanoes and this is my slide about them. We basically had to research about volcanoes and read about volcanoes.

What is your coolest fact about volcanoes?

Stay safe!!


  1. Hi Maia
    Thank you for posting your 'Do all volcanoes look the same?' slide on your blog. You are right, not all volcanoes look the same as they can be different heights. The various volcanoes that we have around New Zealand is a great example.
    I like the volcano you drew. Can I suggest that you make it a bit bigger on your slide as it is a bit tricky reading your labels.

  2. Hi Maia, I hope you enjoyed learning about volcanoes, it is interesting finding out about the different types and where they are in the world. Which volcano is nearest to where you live? Mine is called Maungakiekie (One Tree Hill), I am sure you know where it is!

    1. Kia ora Deb
      Yes I do know where One Tree Hill is. The closest to me is probably Owairaka even though I live in the Waitakere Ranges.
      How many volcanoes do you know?
      Stay safe!


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